Fractional Sales and Marketing Specialist
Let me join your team and help build and create customized sales and marketing strategy.
This full-stack coaching option includes top to bottom sales and marketing strategy and optimization.
Working in a fractional role, I will align myself with your team and resources and work tirelessly to build more process, products, and revenue.
This option starts with a 3-month contract and then moves to a month-to-month agreement.
We will start with a full analysis of current communications, organization, process, and sales and build from there.
The goal is to build out your sales and marketing systems so you don't need a me any more.
Concerned you are not closing enough clients?
Not getting enough sign ups to events, emails, or calls?
Let me fix the leaks.
With a full analysis of your sales campaigns, funnels, and pipelines, I will use my proven E.L.S system to make sure no sales are slipping through the cracks.
This option starts with a 2-month contract and goes month-to-month after that.
This coaching option focuses on sales only and where you are leaving money on the table.
With my experience of both brick and mortar and online business, I can show you how to close more clients and add more money to your monthly nut.
As an accomplished author, copywriter, and writer, I have several books which are a great starting place for your hands-on
If you fancy tackling your revenue growth on your own, I highly recommended downloading 1, 2, or all 3 of my "thick-skinned" sales and marketing series.
They are pretty blunt, pretty sweary, but overall, pretty damn effective.
They will get you started on email marketing, sales call structure, or simply on your entrepreneurial journey.
Choose the book which resonates the most and let me know how you do!